PyExt API Docs

class pyext.overload

Simple function overloading in Python.

classmethod argc(argc=None)

Overloads a function based on the specified argument count.

Parameters:argc – The argument count. Defaults to None. If None is given, automatically compute the argument count from the given function.


Keyword argument counts are NOT checked! In addition, when the argument count is automatically calculated, the keyword argument count is also ignored!


def func(a):
    print 'Function 1 called'

def func(a, b):
    print 'Function 2 called'

func(1) # Calls first function
func(1, 2) # Calls second function
func() # Raises error
classmethod args(*argtypes, **kw)

Overload a function based on the specified argument types.

  • argtypes – The argument types. If None is given, get the argument types from the function annotations(Python 3 only)
  • kw – Can only contain 1 argument, is_cls. If True, the function is assumed to be part of a class.


def func(s):
    print 'Got string'

@overload.args(int, str)
def func(i, s):
    print 'Got int and string'

def func(i:int): # A function annotation example
    print 'Got int'

func(1, 's')
func(True) # Raises error
class pyext.RuntimeModule

Create a module object at runtime and insert it into sys.path. If called, same as from_objects().

pyext.switch(value, cstyle=False)

A Python switch statement implementation that is used with a with statement.

  • value – The value to “switch”.
  • cstyle – If True, then cases will automatically fall through to the next one until case.quit() is encountered.

with statement example:

with switch('x'):
    if case(1): print 'Huh?'
    if case('x'): print 'It works!!!'


If you modify a variable named “case” in the same scope that you use the with statement version, you will get an UnboundLocalError. The soluction is to use with switch('x') as case: instead of with switch('x'):.


Remove tail recursion from a function.

Parameters:spec – A function that, when given the arguments, returns a bool indicating whether or not to exit. If None, tail recursion is always called unless the function returns a value.


This function has a slight overhead that is noticable when using timeit. Only use it if the function has a possibility of going over the recursion limit.


This function will BREAK any code that either uses any recursion other than tail recursion or calls itself multiple times. For example, def x(): return x()+1 will fail.


def add(a, b):
    if a == 0: return b
    return add(a-1, b+1)

add(10000000, 1) # Doesn't max the recursion limit.

Copies a funcion.

Parameters:f – The function to copy.
Returns:The copied function.

Deprecated since version 0.4: Use modify_function() instead.


A simple decorator to set docstrings.

Parameters:doc – The docstring to tie to the function.


@set_docstring('This is a docstring')
def myfunc(x):
pyext.annotate(*args, **kwargs)

Set function annotations using decorators.

  • args – This is a list of annotations for the function, in the order of the function’s parameters. For example, annotate('Annotation 1', 'Annotation 2') will set the annotations of parameter 1 of the function to Annotation 1.
  • kwargs – This is a mapping of argument names to annotations. Note that these are applied after the argument list, so any args set that way will be overriden by this mapping. If there is a key named ret, that will be the annotation for the function’s return value.

Deprecated since version 0.5: Use fannotate() instead.

pyext.safe_unpack(seq, ln, fill=None)

Safely unpack a sequence to length ln, without raising ValueError. Based on Lua’s method of unpacking. Empty values will be filled in with fill, while any extra values will be cut off.

  • seq – The sequence to unpack.
  • ln – The expected length of the sequence.
  • fill – The value to substitute if the sequence is too small. Defaults to None.


s = 'a:b'
a, b = safe_unpack(s.split(':'), 2)
# a = 'a'
# b = 'b'
s = 'a'
a, b = safe_unpack(s.split(':'), 2)
# a = 'a'
# b = None
pyext.modify_function(f, globals={}, name=None, code=None, defaults=None, closure=None)

Creates a copy of a function, changing its attributes.

  • globals – Will be added to the function’s globals.
  • name – The new function name. Set to None to use the function’s original name.
  • code – The new function code object. Set to None to use the function’s original code object.
  • defaults – The new function defaults. Set to None to use the function’s original defaults.
  • closure – The new function closure. Set to None to use the function’s original closure.


This function can be potentially dangerous.

pyext.assign(varname, value)

Assign value to varname and return it. If varname is an attribute and the instance name it belongs to is not defined, a NameError is raised. This can be used to emulate assignment as an expression. For example, this:

if assign('x', 7): ...

is equilavent to this C code:

if (x = 7) ...


When assigning an attribute, the instance it belongs to MUST be declared as global prior to the assignment. Otherwise, the assignment will not work.

pyext.fannotate(*args, **kwargs)

Set function annotations using decorators.

  • *args – The first positional argument is used for the function’s return value; all others are discarded.
  • **kwargs – This is a mapping of argument names to annotations.


@fannotate('This for the return value', a='Parameter a', b='Parameter b')
def x(a, b):
pyext.compare_and_swap(var, compare, new)

If var is equal to compare, set it to new.


Return if the caller is main. Equilavent to __name__ == '__main__'.

pyext.call_if_main(f, *args)

Call the f with args if the caller’s module is main.

pyext.run_main(f, *args)

Call f with the args and terminate the program with its return code if the caller’s module is main.